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              MBBCh (WITS)

General Practitioner in Sexual Health and Aesthetics
(Fellow of European Committee of Sexual Medicine)



Dr Heather graduated from WITS in 1998 and draws on her experience, from Psychiatry, assisting for cardio thoracic surgery, Aesthetic Medicine, Non-surgical aesthetic gynaecology, for her passion, Sexual Medicine. She attended the European Society of Sexual Medicine (ESSM) school in Budapest and met her tribe; like minded sex academics and achieved becoming a Fellow of the European Committee of Sexual Medicine in 2018. She has lectured nationally and internationally on Sexual Health, is a regular contributor to media and a guest on radio. Dr Heather is on the executive committee of the South African Sexual Health Association (SASHA) , member of South African Aesthetic Gynaecology Society (SAAGS), a team member of My Sexual Health and a credible sexual health provider. She is currently completing Interdisciplinary Chronic Pain Management Diploma at UCT, to improve our management of pelvic pain, sexual
pain and experiences of trauma.

Sexuality is how we present ourselves to the world and includes gender identity, body image and self esteem. Sexual health encompasses more than the physical act of intercourse......Our general wellness and sexual health are intertwined. As we are all sexual beings, we should confidently embrace what is natural, with consent, respect and safely. 
"It's as though sex is now in the closet and it's okay to open the door a little bit, take out a beige outfit daily.....we need to throw those doors open and let all the colour and sparkle out! Enrich ourselves and our relationships with being comfortable to talk about sex'. Recognising psychological and physical components and influenced by culture, religion and social norms or ideals.



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Women's Wellness Consultations

Libido/ Desire Identifying potential causes, hormonal, relational or underlying illness

Arousal, decreased or persistent

Lubrication & vaginal dryness

Orgasm & Anorgasmia

Pain during / after sex / deep or superficial, full history and examination at appropriate time, investigate cause, support and manage, may require pelvic floor physiotherapist involvement 

Vaginismus, we appreciate and validate it may be complex and go at a pace comfortable with the patient, management with Btx injections into superficial pelvic floor muscles and pelvic floor physiotherapy

Hormones / Pre-menstrual tensionPMS)

Perimenopause and post-menopause management

Contraception insertion IUD’s, implants, ring, OCP etc.

Pap smears, HPV screening, HPV vaccine

Breast checks as part of women’s wellness checks and referral for mammograms as per patient age/ requirements

Sexual health; pre-natal, pregnancy and breast feeding effects on sexual health, what no-one tells new moms!

Lichen Sclerosis and other dermatology diagnosis and management or referral. Lichen Sclerosis can be treated with PRP at our practice.


General health, 

Skin checks, Blood Pressure, Triglycerides, Sugar, Haemoglobin done in rooms, urine,  BMI


Weight Loss, goal setting, measurements, support, various medical modalities, lifestyle, Mediteranean diet,

we have a Radiofrequency and Shockwave machine which melts fat, reducing centimeters and tightens skin.

A Lymph drainage machine to move excess fluid and excrete it, for both legs and arms.


I am an activist for positive Body Image and positive genital image to enable confidence and comfort with our sexuality and sexual experiences.




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Erectile challenges, examination, lifestyle history, rule out medical causes

Ejaculation  difficulties, premature or delayed

Prostate / PSA, pre and post prostate surgery support, important to maintain after surgery function. Work with a pelvic floor physio

Hormones, testosterone and other

Pelvic Pain, investigate causes, pelvic floor muscles, history

Libido, may be complex, requiring hormone profile, lifestyle factors, relationship factor





Pre-marital counselling

Sex positive education

Sexually Transmitted Diseases, screening and treatment

HIV, screening and treatment, pre and post exposure prophylaxis

Relationships/ Trauma

Gender Transformation support

Sexual health during/ post Cancer treatment or major surgeries



General Wellness

Physical Examinations, blood pressure, cholesterol, haemoglobin, glucose, BMI


This is a very elementary list of services.

Please contact us for more information.

New Patient 60-min consultation
New Patient 30-min
Follow-up    30-min
Follow-up    15-min
On-line consultations available


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Female Vaginal Rejuvenation


Non-surgical procedures to fill, enhance, tighten the vulva, mons pubis, labia minora and majora using different techniques.



To fill and enhance the labia majora and mons pubis.


Uses heat energy to tighten lose skin, mons pubis, labia majora, can reduce size of labia minora slightly (larger lips may require surgery if desired or necessary)

The opening to the vagina can be tightened with RF.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

Plasma rich product is extracted from your own blood, full of growth factors and stem cells and can be injected

into the mons pubis, labia majora, labia minora, into the vagina on the anterior wall where the "G" spot is located

and more vaginal sites, to stimulate your own production of collagen and elastin.......helps with dryness.

For women with normal sexual and orgasmic function the PRP can be injected into the clitoral tissue for enhanced orgasmic experiences.


Remember that these are invasive medical procedures

and we screen our patients properly for expectations, sexual dysfunctions and do not promote or advocate a


We are all made up differently and all bodies are beautiful.


We have an IPL machine for hair removal, skin rejuvenation, pigmentation and women welcome.



Male RegenerativeProcedures

Shockwave Therapy

This is a non-painful treatment for men with Erectile Dysfunction from certain causes only. Low intensity focused waves are delivered along the shaft of the penis, the perineum and bulbospongiosis muscles. Physiologically it is stimulating new blood vessel growth. It requires a number of sessions and effect is usually appreciated after six to eight weeks.

Combination therapies together with PRP have shown good results.

It is still regarded as experimental but is widely used in Europe and USA.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

Your own blood is taken and spun in a centrifuge to separate the blood constituents. We take the plasma rich volume and inject into the shaft of the penis for erectile dysfunction and into the glans, head, of the penis for enhanced orgasmic experience.


Girth enhancement of the shaft can be created with filler injections. Works better if man is circumcised. Expectations are explored in consultation.

Filler may also be injected into the glans for men struggling with premature ejaculation and helps some. 

These have been endorsed by the European Urological Society.


This is the injection of neuromodulating toxin into the scrotum to leave it smoother looking.

Some pain problems in the perineal area respond well to these neuromodulating agents.

Injecting into the head of the penis helps with increasing blood flow and a harder erect penis.

Injecting into the shaft also relaxes the smooth muscles allowing better blood flow with a firmer erection.


Stockists of various products

Hormone support multivitamins
Libido Enhancers, men and women
UTI guard
Intimate wash (Ph friendly)
Toys/ Aids

(due to HPCSA guidelines we cannot mention product names)




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Aesthetic Procedures

Together with Doctor Diana I do some aesthetics, 
I have extensive training and experience of ten years, and
have been at The Real You since 2015.

Btx, Fillers, Biostimulators, Sclerotherapy etc..

(see aesthetics offerings on main page)

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